Confessions: Priest (Confessions Series Book 3) Read online

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  Never shy about his body or nudity, Julien displayed himself with confidence and pride, reached for his stiff cock, and gave it several strokes.

  Robbie whimpered and squeezed himself also, obviously wanting to do more but behaving himself as he’d been told.

  “How does it feel?” Priest asked, drawing Robbie’s attention away from Julien for a moment. “To know that he belongs to you?”

  Robbie’s eyes widened, and as Julien walked over, Robbie said on a rush of air, “Unreal.”

  “It’s real,” Julien said, and grazed his lips over Robbie’s. “Je t’aime, princesse.” Robbie trembled as Julien kissed his way up to his ear and whispered, “I love you.”

  “Oh God.” Robbie’s eyes fluttered shut as he clearly tried to contain the emotions threatening to overwhelm him, but they weren’t going to have that, not tonight. Priest removed his clothes, as Julien continued to drive their man crazy with each touch.

  “I love your smile, your laugh, the sexy little sound you make when I do this,” Julien said, and nibbled under Robbie’s ear, making him giggle and moan. “Oui, that right there. I love it all. But I especially love the way you took care of me when I needed you. You opened your heart to me, princesse, and now I give mine to you.”

  When Julien raised his head, Robbie opened his eyes, and the love shining out of them was obvious.

  That two people could be so open, so willing to trust what their hearts felt and follow that, gave Priest the fortitude to give in and go after what he knew they all wanted: to finally let down all barriers and say out loud the words that would leave no doubt that Robbie was their final piece, because Julien was right. Robbie was there with them because he chose to be. Their hearts had made the choice for them, and tonight it was time to turn off their minds and listen.

  ROBBIE SHIVERED UNDER Julien’s touch, and as the words filled his dazed mind, Robbie opened his eyes.

  For a while now, he had sensed the connection forming between the three of them, but to finally hear those words spoken out loud by Julien made Robbie feel about as high as a kite on a beautiful summer’s day.

  None of his boyfriends had ever said it to him before, and as simple as those three words were, when spoken by someone you desperately wanted to hear them from, it made your entire world change in the blink of an eye.

  “You…” Robbie lost his words for a second as he stared into a face he now knew by heart. “I love you too. So much it’s— God, I can’t even speak right now.”

  “You don’t need to speak,” Julien said, and kissed Robbie gently on the lips. “Not tonight. Just feel, and know that it’s real.”

  Robbie sighed, and Julien slid his tongue between his lips, making Robbie moan and move closer to all the naked skin in front of him, until Julien raised his head—and Robbie immediately knew why.

  Priest’s presence was strong enough that Robbie felt it before Priest touched him. But when one of Priest’s muscular arms banded around his waist, pulling Robbie back against his body, the intimate outline of his naked form molded to every inch of Robbie’s clothed one.

  “I told you,” Priest said in Robbie’s ear. “Julien’s ours now. Yours and mine.”

  Robbie’s body vibrated at the declaration. He felt its truth all the way to his bones as his eyes flicked to Julien, who was now taking in the picture Robbie made wrapped up in his husband’s arms.

  “Oui, I am,” Julien said. “And you, mon amour?”

  Priest began to unbutton Robbie’s shirt, and Robbie dared not move, hoping, praying that he hadn’t been wrong about this—about the man behind him—but with Priest, one never knew. He kept his feelings so tightly concealed that it was difficult to know if you were reading him right.

  “I never thought I’d love anyone this way, but you, mon cœur,” Priest said, and Robbie watched in silent fascination as Julien wrapped a hand around his erection, his lips curving into a beatific smile.

  “Hmm,” Julien said. “I do so love it when you’re wrong.”

  Priest got to the top button of Robbie’s shirt, freed it, and then he drew it down his arms. When he tossed it aside, he turned Robbie around and whispered above his lips, “In this case, so do I.”

  Robbie stared at the man he’d never thought in a million years he would, or could, ever love, and found himself again at a loss for words.

  “Robert, you are everything I thought you would be, and so much more.” Priest traced his thumb over Robbie’s lower lip and then kissed him there. “I love you. There’s not one thing I would change about you. Sometimes that takes time to realize, and sometimes it happens in an instant. You were instant for both of us. You were meant to be ours. And if you feel the same way, Julien and I want to celebrate that with you tonight.”

  It was all Robbie could do to keep his legs under him as they began to shake. The intensity in Priest’s eyes, coupled with his words, made Robbie want to fall inside him and get lost there. But he managed to nod and say, “Yes, I want that. I don’t know how or…why it works, but I love you too. Both of you.”

  “Bien,” Julien said, and Robbie looked over his shoulder at him. “Because we feel exactly the same way about you.”

  “Will you let us finish undressing you?” Priest asked, for what Robbie had to believe was the first time ever, and that made him feel…playful.

  “Well,” Robbie said, and aimed a coy look in Priest’s direction, “since you asked so nicely…”

  Priest’s lips crooked at the side, and he flicked open the button of Robbie’s jeans. “Tonight, I plan on being real nice to you, sweetheart.”

  As Priest unzipped Robbie’s pants, Julien moved in behind him and dragged the jeans down Robbie’s legs. “We both do, princesse. Now step out.”

  Once all of his clothes were removed and he was as naked as the men in the front and back of him, a shiver of anticipation ran up Robbie’s spine. Julien had straightened to his full height and moved in close enough that his stiff length was now nestled in against Robbie’s ass, and when he splayed his hands on either side of Robbie’s hips, Robbie’s eyelids fell shut and he groaned.

  Julien kissed under his ear.

  “That feels…”

  And when Robbie’s words left him, Julien said, “Oui, princesse?”

  “Amazing.” Robbie panted, as Julien smoothed one of his palms across his abdomen and then up along his torso to his nipple. Robbie leaned back into him, and as he did, Priest joined in and trailed his index finger from the base of Robbie’s throat, down to the center of his chest, before detouring to the opposite nipple.

  Once he was there, he and Julien gently teased and tormented Robbie by rubbing the pads of their fingers back and forth over the nubs until Robbie’s breathing escalated, and he was close to passing out just from the touch.

  “More?” Priest’s face was so close to Robbie’s that he could see the way Priest’s eyes darkened with the question, his arousal building just as Robbie’s was.

  “Yes,” Robbie said, and watched with unabashed desire as Priest lowered his head and flicked his tongue across the nipple he’d been playing with.

  With a shout, Robbie reached for that thick head of auburn hair and speared his fingers through it, and when Priest sucked on him, Robbie cried out.

  “Mmm,” Julien said by his ear, and smoothed his hand back down Robbie’s body to his throbbing erection. As he wrapped his fingers around the base, Robbie twisted his hands in Priest’s hair and bucked forward through Julien’s fist.

  “He’s so good with his mouth, isn’t he?” Julien said as he began to stroke, and Robbie couldn’t keep his hips still to save himself.

  “Uh huh,” Robbie managed, as he looked down at Julien’s fingers, which were curled around his cock.

  Damn, Robbie’s body was on sensory overload, and as if to punctuate that point and let him know things were only going to get more intense, Priest bit his nipple, making Robbie curse. Priest then moved down to his knees until he was in line with the erection Jul
ien was working.

  Robbie panted at the sight of Priest on his knees naked. He looked phenomenal with his thick cock jutting out, proclaiming its desire for the two men he was watching, and Robbie shoved his hips forward in automatic response.

  The lips on his neck were warm and sensual as Julien trailed them up to Robbie’s ear and asked the same question Priest had earlier: “How does it feel?”

  Oh God. These two were destroying Robbie with every perfectly synchronized touch, move, and word, and as Julien rolled his hips and pushed his cock between Robbie’s ass cheeks, he added, “To know that he belongs to you?”

  Gooseflesh broke out over Robbie’s skin as Julien nipped at his shoulder.

  “Powerful, isn’t it?” Julien whispered.

  Robbie wasn’t sure why, but Julien was right. With Julien, he felt a sense of wonder that someone with such a beautiful soul could love him so much, but with Priest? With Priest, Robbie felt a sense of disbelief, because the man kneeling before them was so guarded, so private, that Robbie couldn’t believe Priest had chosen him, loved him, enough to let him in—and that was truly powerful.

  “Yes,” Robbie said as he let his eyes find Priest’s again. “It’s powerful.”

  “And true,” Julien said as he kissed Robbie’s temple. “He’s ours. Yours and mine.”

  As Julien began to again stroke Robbie’s erection, Robbie grabbed at Julien’s thigh and tunneled through his fist. His eyes locked on Priest’s as he did, and when Priest took himself in hand and matched pace with them, Robbie thought his knees just might give out.

  Shit. Priest looked better than every fantasy Robbie ever had of him as he knelt there getting off. But when he moved up onto his knees and Julien directed Robbie’s cock to his lips, Robbie held his breath and waited for the first touch of that mouth to his flesh.

  It came by way of Priest’s tongue, as he flicked it over the tip of Robbie’s shaft and then parted his lips and swallowed him. A moan of pure ecstasy left Robbie as he dug his fingers into Julien’s leg in an effort to stay upright, and Julien must’ve understood, because he crossed his other arm under Robbie’s, diagonally across his torso, and clamped a hand on his shoulder.

  “Sink into the feeling, princesse,” Julien said, and his voice was as much of a caress as his hand. “Priest’s mouth, my hands, your body. Close your eyes, fall into it, fall into us. We’ll catch you.”

  Robbie’s breath left him on a ragged sigh as his eyes shut and he let the sensations wash over him. Then he did what Julien suggested and fell headlong into the dream he’d never allowed himself to have.

  The one where he was loved and cherished above anyone else, and somehow he knew the two men he was wrapped up in were the ones to give him that.

  Chapter Fourteen


  There is nothing more arousing to me

  than looking at the person—or people—I love,

  and knowing without a doubt that they are mine.

  PRIEST LOOKED UP Robbie’s body in time to see those pretty eyes flutter shut, and as they did, Priest sucked the head of Robbie’s cock, making a whimper leave those sweet, sweet lips.

  Julien had cast a sensual spell around the room with his words and that honey-toned voice, and as Priest drew his mouth back up Robbie’s luscious length, he raised his eyes, in search of his husband’s.

  Julien had an arm across Robbie’s body and his mouth behind his ear, and he was moving his hips in a slow, seductive way that had Robbie’s pelvis rocking forward and Priest getting to his feet. If he stayed on his knees any longer, he’d be finishing Robbie off with his mouth—and tonight, that wasn’t the way things would go.

  At the loss of Priest’s lips, Robbie opened his eyes, and Priest placed a finger beneath Robbie’s chin and tilted his face up a fraction.

  The flush on their princess’s cheeks, his wet, swollen lips, and the pink tongue that Priest could see just a hint of—all invited Priest to come closer, and as he lowered his mouth, Robbie was right there reaching for him.

  Priest sank into the sweetness that was all Robert Bianchi, and allowed the pleasure to sweep through him as their mouths met and Julien shifted behind their man, taking that final step forward, which brought Robbie’s front side into direct contact with Priest’s.

  Robbie tore his mouth free, and as he stared into Priest’s eyes, he wound his arms around his neck. Priest used one hand to stroke along Robbie’s ribs and the other to trace Julien’s torso.

  “Are you ready to go to bed?” Priest said, and that cheeky smile he’d come to love split Robbie’s mouth.

  “As long as it’s not to sleep…”

  Priest reached for Robbie’s wrists behind his neck and brought them down in front of them. Then he took a step back, and as he did, he slipped his hand around one of Robbie’s and tugged him toward the bed. “Lucky for you, I rarely sleep, and Julien is always full of energy.”

  Robbie bit down on his lip as he followed Priest’s lead, and Priest tracked Julien as he made his way around to the other side of the bed and pulled back the covers.

  “Go on. Hop in, then,” Priest said, and indicated the massive bed between him and Julien.

  Robbie grinned. “By myself?”

  Priest trailed his fingers along Robbie’s jaw line and nodded. “Yes.”

  Robbie glanced at Julien, who winked, and Robbie must’ve taken that as encouragement, because he moved onto the mattress. When he was halfway across it, he looked back at Priest for direction.

  “In the middle, on your back, sweetheart. We want to take a moment now to look at what’s ours.”

  When understanding dawned, Robbie’s entire demeanor changed. He went from curious to sex kitten as he crawled up the center of the bed, grabbed two pillows—which he plumped up for his head—then did as requested and shifted to his back, displaying his body for Priest and Julien with not one ounce of shame.

  “Mon Dieu,” Julien said reverently. “You’re beautiful, princesse.”

  Robbie turned his head on the pillow, and when his eyes collided with Julien’s, he wrapped a hand around his hard-on.

  “So are you,” Robbie said, and slowly began to stroke himself. “Is this okay?” When Julien cocked his head to the side, Robbie tongued his lower lip. “Me, touching myself?”

  “Oui,” Julien said, and reached for his own cock to do the same. “It’s more than okay. In fact, spread your legs a little wider for me.” Robbie complied, and when Julien murmured, “Parfait…” Priest couldn’t agree more.

  What he was watching was his idea of perfection. He could’ve happily stood and watched for hours, but tonight wasn’t about him. It was about the exquisite man lying in bed, allowing him and Julien access to his body, heart, and soul. And tonight, they were going to imprint themselves on all three.

  Priest got the bottle of lube and a condom from the bedside table, and when he straightened back up, he saw Robbie’s feet now flat on the bed and his hand moving a little faster. Julien’s eyes were roving all over their princess, and with every pull of his cock, the tattoos on his bicep flexed and made Priest want to go and lick them.

  As if both men could feel his gaze, they turned their attention to him. Priest brought the condom packet to his mouth and tore it open with his teeth. Robbie shook as he sucked in a breath, and then Priest slowly rolled the condom down his aching length, lubed up, and began to work his stiff prick.

  Robbie looked back to Julien, who had taken Priest’s lead and gotten a condom from his side drawer, and when they both put their knees on the mattress and moved down to stretch out on either side of him, Robbie let out a soft moan. “I’m the luckiest man in the world.”

  Priest looked to Julien, and the heat in his jade eyes said that he was thinking the exact same thing Priest was. Priest said, “I think you mean we are the luckiest men in the world.”

  Robbie raised his hips off the bed as he continued to pleasure himself. “Maybe…if you mean all of us.”

bent down and placed a kiss to Robbie’s shoulder. “Oh, I most certainly do. Now hands off, greedy boy—it’s our turn.” As Robbie let go of himself, the question in his eyes made Priest add, “Stretch your arms out on either side of yourself, yes…” Priest and Julien flanked Robbie. “That’s perfect.”

  But the word hardly did justice to what they were looking at. Priest and Julien now had full access to the stunning body between them, and they weren’t going to let Robbie go until they’d had their fill, which just might be…never.

  JULIEN RAN HIS eyes down the lovely stretch of smooth, creamy skin laid out between him and Priest, and he had to agree with both Robbie and his husband. The three of them were the luckiest men in the world.

  Right now, in this bed, Julien felt more complete than he ever had in his life. With the three of them as naked as the day they were born, all touching, all reconnecting, life felt right, and when he brought his eyes back to Robbie’s angelic face, Julien smiled and lowered his mouth to kiss Robbie’s soft lips.

  Robbie’s eyes shut, and as Julien dipped his tongue inside, a moan left Robbie’s throat and he bowed up off the bed. Julien grinned against Robbie’s lips and then slowly raised his head. As they parted, Robbie inhaled and Julien had to remind him, “Breathe…” It was as though Robbie hadn’t wanted to let go of Julien’s scent, but when his lips parted and his breath left him on a shaky sigh, Priest began to lightly trace his fingers around Robbie’s navel.

  Robbie hummed, the sound full of bliss as his eyes remained closed, and Priest trailed his fingers up the center of Robbie’s chest and lowered his head to steal a kiss.

  Julien took the opposite route and ran his fingers over Robbie’s abs, down to his hipbone, where he flirted with the V of Robbie’s groin, making his cock jerk.

  “Ahh,” Robbie said, and squeezed his eyes shut even tighter. Julien kissed Robbie’s jaw and moved his fingers down to the inside of Robbie’s thigh. When he reached the knee, Julien hooked his hand around it and gently moved it up and over his thigh, widening Robbie’s straddle.