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Exquisite Page 3
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Page 3
“I like your shoes.”
Shelly laughed and took a sip of her cosmo. “That’s because you’re a shoe whore.”
Lena looked up the end of the bar for the now missing, hot bartender. “Well, I guess I’m not doing this right.”
Shelly raised an eyebrow at her.
“I mean, who do I need to bat my eyelashes at to get a drink in this place?”
“Well, you could start with me and see if you get anywhere.”
Mason waited as she turned around on her seat. He quickly decided he would’ve given a week’s earnings to have a camera right there to capture the expression that came onto her face. He watched her as she registered shock, disbelief, and finally, a new level of downright pissed off.
“You? You work here?” she sputtered out, which he found refreshing and slightly victorious, since it would seem that she was a hard person to rattle. As her friend sat staring between them, he leaned on the bar with his left hip.
“No. I waited outside for you all day then followed you here and jumped behind the bar.”
He watched her green eyes narrow as she took a deep breath as though trying to gather patience. Much like he had this morning when she’d dressed him down in the waiting room.
“God, could this day get any worse?” she muttered to herself. Mason switched his attention to her bodacious friend and cranked up the charm.
“Well, hi there. How rude of me not to introduce myself.” He grinned as he saw Lena glare at him.
“I met Lena at the hospital this morning. This is such a nice surprise to see her here.”
He watched her friend turn to look at Lena. “You two met this morning?”
Before Lena could say anything he jumped right back in. “Oh yes, didn’t she tell you? I brought her flowers.”
Mason had to stop himself from laughing as he watched Lena’s mouth fall open and her eyes get even narrower. He figured she was trying to glare him to death. He continued to smile back at her, and then turned that smile back to her friend, who was sitting there looking dumbstruck.
“No, she didn’t tell me anything like that.”
Turning to face Lena, her friend asked, “Lena? Is there something you need to tell me?”
Leaning on the bar, Mason could smell a hint of vanilla. “Yeah Lena, is there?”
She tilted her head to the side and one curl slipped free from the clip at the back of her neck. Her eyes looked him over as if he were a bug she wanted to squash, and then dismissing him she turned to Shelly.
“The only thing to tell you, Shelly, is that this morning this gentleman decided that when I didn’t fall at his feet he would go behind my back and report me to McKinney.”
Mason watched, confused. Who the hell was McKinney? She turned back to him and hopped off the barstool, picking up her purse.
“Now. We have to join that table over there with the other faculty members of the University Hospital. So why don’t you try and be good at one of your jobs today and get the drink orders recited to you since you have trouble reading, flower man.”
The doctor’s friend looked horrified but Mason just stood with his arms crossed and smiled a shit-eating grin, nodding silently and thinking it would annoy this prickly little woman even more. However, right before she was about to saunter away, Wendy rushed over.
“Boss man. Table of fifteen are doctors from University. Let’s not screw up. Would be good to have them as regulars.”
Mason winced slightly but kept his eyes on the woman in front of him and her suddenly frozen feet. He continued to smile like he didn’t have a care in the world and not like someone who had just been on the receiving end of a cutting insult. Tilting his head toward her, Mason retorted, “I’ll be sure to send one of my staff over to take care of you as soon as possible, sweetheart.”
There, he thought with satisfaction, what do you think of that, Doctor?
Chapter Three
Shelly practically dragged Lena toward their table while constantly looking behind them to the bar. Lena, on the other hand, followed without a backward glance. She was too busy processing exactly what had just happened. The flower man was also a bartender? No, that didn’t seem to add up. The flower man was the restaurant manager? Hmm, but if that were the case, why would the manager of the hottest restaurant in town be delivering flowers from that cute little flower boutique Precious Petals; she’d certainly never seen him before? So many questions were flipping through her mind that she didn’t even realize Shelly had stopped and turned to face her. Lena almost bumped into her but at the last minute she looked up. Shelly craned her neck to see past her, to Mr. Pain-In-The-Ass with the sexy eyes.
“You did not tell me you knew Mason Langley,” she whispered. Her eyes were so wide they looked like they might pop out of her face.
Shaking her head Lena answered, “I don’t know a Mason Langley.”
“That man over there burning a hole in your ass is Mason Langley. Owner of this little place called Exquisite.”
Opening her mouth to say something Lena found, for probably the first time in a long while, that she had absolutely nothing to say.
“You know, the place we’re standing in? Where we are about to sit down and have a meal? Yeah, you just insulted the head honcho, the man who’ll probably go back there and spit in our food.”
“What do you want me to do? Go over there and apologize?”
Shelly nodded slowly as though she was talking to an imbecile. “It would be a start.”
“Have you lost your mind?” Lena asked her in a loud whisper. “I was joking about apologizing.”
“Well, I’m not and he’s still staring at your ass.”
Letting out a sigh, Lena glared at her. “I’m sure he’s not looking at my ass.”
Shelly looked at him again and smiled, as she lifted her hand in a small wave.
“Why don’t you go and apologize if you like him so much?”
“Because I wasn’t rude.” Shelly turned to their table and looked over her shoulder, before shooing her away. “You were.”
Gritting her teeth, Lena spun around on her heel to see Mason still standing at the bar with his head cocked to one side. His hip leaned up against the dark mahogany counter and he looked right at her. He really was incredible to look at, now that she didn’t have to listen to him talk, she thought with a smirk. Yeah that was it – if he could just stand there silently, she’d be happy to look at him. It was a shame she had that wall so firmly in place with a man like that looking her over because he was probably the first man, in as long as she could remember, that she found herself attracted to.
His hair was jet black and cut shorter in the back with a slight curl around his ears. The front looked like he’d just run his hand through it and a stray piece flopped forward. The dark stubble drew attention to his jawline and mouth. His eyelashes were insanely long; she must have noticed that along with those piercing, almost midnight blue, eyes. However, that wasn’t what drew her eye the most; it was his very presence. He was a tall man—at least 6’3 if she had to guess—and his shoulders were huge, especially in the black, buttoned-up shirt he wore tonight. They were outlined to perfection and the shirt hugged his torso all the way down to a slim waist where his shirt disappeared into tight black slacks, framed by a black belt with a silver buckle.
Oh yeah, she thought, it was such a shame he was a total pain in the ass. She looked right at him then straightened her spine for the battle to come. He didn’t smile as he continued to watch her intently. It made Lena uncomfortable to be under such scrutiny when there were so many other people around. It was as though they’d all just vanished and she was back in the hospital lobby standing in front of him. However, this time he had the upper hand. Lena watched as one of the bartenders spoke to him. He nodded but kept his eyes on her the whole time.
Looking over her shoulder at Shelly, she stiffened her shoulders and then said softly, “Fine, but I’m only doing this because you’re making me and I don’t
want spit in my food.”
“I’m so proud of what motivates you Lena. Oh and by the way,” she paused as she waved to the door where McKinney was walking in, “he was definitely staring at your ass.”
Mason kept his eyes on her the whole time she walked back to him. He noted she walked as though she had a pole shoved up her behind. He watched her eyes narrow as she got closer. He could only imagine the thoughts that were running through her mind and he was somewhat curious as to why she was coming back to the bar. Not that he minded; in fact, it gave him an opportunity to poke at her a little more. To get under her skin, or at least try. He was starting to remind himself of a boy in school with a crush who continually tugs on the girls’ braids. He wanted to get a rise from her—or a smile—but he had a feeling a rise would be easier.
He’d watched the two women closely as the blonde had pulled Lena away from him, before she could make more trouble he imagined, and he’d noticed that Lena’s friend kept looking over at him while whispering to her. Since Lena’s back had been turned to him, he’d seen no harm in looking her over. After all, he was a man and he had discovered that she had one fine ass. She may be an uptight piece of work but that long skirt hugged her ass just as good as a tight pair of jeans. When her friend had caught him looking, she’d coyly waved at him and he’d winked at her. Then she grinned like she was up to no good and now here he was watching Lena walk up in front of him at the bar.
“You couldn’t stay away?” He felt his lips tug into a grin.
“What can I say? Your insightful recap of this morning’s events endeared you to me.”
He watched as she placed her hands on the bar. Her fingers started to tap as though she was annoyed or frustrated; more likely the latter. She hardly seemed the type to go out and get laid to relax, although maybe she should. Maybe it would help in removing the pole.
“Look, Mason—” she said, interrupting his thoughts.
“Oh, you know my name? I feel special that you took the time to ask.”
Her eyes narrowed but he noticed her mouth twitch. Trying to hold back a grin perhaps?
“Well don’t. Apparently Shelly recognized you and volunteered the information.”
“Ahh. I see how it is.” He leaned down to rest an elbow on the bar. It moved him in closer. He watched as she automatically removed her hands so they wouldn’t touch. “Shelly should’ve just come over. I would’ve given her my number.”
He watched for the reaction he was hoping for and . . .”She doesn’t want your number, you arrogant ass. She wants me to apologize to you.” There it was. Mason stood up straight and raised his eyebrows, feeling a smug grin spread over his lips. Now the apology, he hadn’t expected.
“Apologize huh? And how’s that going so far? As far as I can tell, you’ve just further insulted me. You’re not doing a very good job.” He paused and came to a startling conclusion: he wanted to spend more time with this prickly woman. There were these moments he kept witnessing, these hints that somewhere buried behind this uptight job she was presenting there was something more, and he couldn’t say why but he wanted to know what that more was. Seemingly out of nowhere, his brain made the decision for him. He wasn’t sure if it was the brain in his head or maybe the one below his belt, but either way it seemed to have taken hostage of his mouth. “However, I’m open to you apologizing over dinner?”
He watched as Lena processed what he’d asked and saw a brief hint of emotion, perhaps even humor, flicker over her face before the ice was back.
“Why on earth would I go to dinner with you? We’re practically strangers. Not to mention we don’t even remotely like one another.”
Mason couldn’t even begin to understand his own motivation, but suddenly it was vital that he got Lena to go out with him. He leaned down again and rested his elbows on the bar.
“Come on, Lena. What have you got to lose? The worst thing that’ll happen is you get to enjoy a whole night insulting someone who was pre-warned about you.”
Mason watched as her lip twitched slightly. She definitely had a sense of humor lurking under there.
“Fine, but only if it ensures you won’t spit in our food.”
Mason let out a loud laugh. He watched her look around and saw everyone staring at them. “Shut up, you maniac, everyone’s looking at us.”
“I’m sorry,” he said, looking and feeling anything but. “So, how’s tomorrow night? Eight thirty?”
She was back to looking suspicious. “Fine, although I still think it’s pointless.”
He watched as she looked over her shoulder at her now full table.
“Just meet me here tomorrow night at eight thirty,” Mason confirmed quickly so she couldn’t get away without a time or place. She looked at him, nodded, then turned about to walk away, but before she moved out of hearing range, he called out.
“Lena!” Turning, she looked at him and he smiled wide and whispered, “I’d never spit in your food.” He paused and grinned, “I’d have a staff member do it.”
Rolling her eyes at him, she returned to her table. Mason watched her go and shook his head as he wiped down the top of the bar. Well, damn, he thought, what the hell had just happened?
Making her way back to her colleagues, Lena thought about what she’d just agreed to. Somehow, she’d gone from going over to apologize for her apparent horrible behavior to having confirmed a date with him? If she could have summed up her thoughts, it would have been with three letters—WTF? As she sat down, Shelly asked in a low whisper, “So, what happened?”
All Lena could do was look at her and shrug. “I’m really not sure. I insulted him; he said he’d accept my apology for a date. I said yes.”
Shelly’s mouth dropped open but before she could pounce, McKinney addressed the group.
“Well, everyone. I’m so glad you could all make it here tonight to welcome Dr. Jones to our team. We look forward to working with you and hope you feel right at home at University.”
As conversations started around them, Lena was aware of a pair of eyes on her. Not once did she turn around, and she couldn’t explain how she knew, but it felt as though he was watching her.
Well, she thought to herself, I’ll be damned if I let him see me turn around to see if he’s looking. Lena went ahead and ordered the filet mignon and it killed her to admit that the meal was absolutely mouthwatering. They talked about trivial work happenings and finally the night started to wind down. She really thought she’d gotten away without having to deal with Shelly, but there was no such luck. Right when Lena thought they could all pay up and leave, she saw Mason being led to the table by the blonde who’d called him boss earlier this evening. Watching them come to stand by McKinney’s chair, Lena felt her heart start beating erratically for no particular reason, other than fear of what the jackass would say. Then the blonde tapped McKinney on the shoulder.
“Dr. McKinney? You’d requested a moment with the owner? This is Mr. Langley.”
Shelly elbowed Lena and looked sideways with a smirk on her face. Sitting as still as a statue, Lena continued to watch Mason, not giving him the satisfaction of her embarrassment. He smiled at all the members of the table before turning his attention to McKinney. “I hope you all had a wonderful time here tonight?”
McKinney nodded and stood to reach out a hand and smiled as Mason shook it enthusiastically.
“Oh yes, Mr. Langley. Let me be the first to tell you that the food was absolutely amazing.”
Lena watched dimples appear on Mason’s cheeks as his mouth turned up into a smile. Did the man really need dimples as well?
“Well, thank you. Nothing pleases me more than a happy customer.” He paused, smiling around the table until his eyes landed right on hers. He spoke clearly. “After all, there’s nothing worse than someone running to the boss to complain.”
Lena heard Shelly chuckle and she whipped her head around to glare at her. She shrugged innocently as he continued. “Did Wendy say your name was Dr. McKinney?”
Lena groaned silently at the mischief written all over his face. As the doctor nodded, Mason pretended to look thoughtful. “Hmm. I was sure your name was familiar, but there must’ve been a mistake.”
McKinney nodded. “Yes, I think it must’ve been. If I’d known the owner, it wouldn’t have been so hard to get in here tonight.” And with that, Mason had confirmed that he’d never met McKinney, and just how far off the mark Lena had been.
It also pleased him immensely, she was sure, that it managed to make her feel like a huge ass. He turned toward them and raised his eyebrow as if to say, see it wasn’t me, and now say you’re sorry. Lena glared at him, you conceited jerk. Just see if I turn up here tomorrow. Then he looked at Shelly and winked, making her giggle like a thirteen-year-old.
“You are not helping,” Lena said through gritted teeth.
“Oh, Lena, he’s adorable and I completely helped you out. Remember that on your date.”
Lena continued to glare at her, and then turned back as Mason shook hands with McKinney once more and then walked around the table. She was horrified when he stopped behind their chairs and squatted down.
“Ladies, hello again.”
Shelly turned so she was practically nose-to-nose with him, “Hello, Mr. Langley.”
“Oh, come on Shelly. You can call me Mason.”
“Okay then, Mason. Dinner was amazing.”
Stiffening in her chair, Lena felt his breath on the back of her ear as he leaned in. “It was the extra seasoning.”
Turning her head quickly to see the huge smile on his face bracketed by those damn dimples, she whispered, “You’re disgusting.”
Only he and Shelly heard, and she wasn’t sure, but Lena thought she heard Shelly squeak.
“Hey, you were the one who gave me the idea,” he said, laughing softly. “Not to worry, Lena. Your meal was put together by the very best.” He paused and stood. “Which would be me.”