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Entice Page 5
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Page 5
“There’s no one to dance with,” she answered him in that sexy voice of hers.
He tilted his head to the side as she reached for her glass again. He watched while she lifted it to her mouth and noticed for the first time how perfect the skin was on her neck. It was a perfect shade of creamy white that he suddenly wanted to suck.
“And what am I?” he finally asked her.
Shelly looked at Josh as he sat there with his legs spread and booted feet on the floor, facing her with one arm on the bar while the other rested on his knee.
The man was pure temptation, and she was finding him hard to resist. So hard in fact that she was trying to think of a way to have him—at least for a night.
“You are not an option,” she replied.
His eyes narrowed, and she watched him as he very carefully slid off the stool and took a step closer, still resting his palm on the bar.
Not one to cave to a man, Shelly looked up at him with a questioning expression. To anyone looking, she knew it just looked like he was asking her to dance, but that was so not the case.
“Why? I can tell you want me. Your eyes are all over me, and your breathing is just a little too hard for some woman sitting at a bar. Come on, Shel, you can admit it. Just like I can almost guarantee you’re getting all hot and bothered down between—”
“Okay,” she interrupted before he voiced what she knew was true.
Looking up at him, she had to admit that the man was sexier than anyone she’d ever met. He attracted her like a bee to honey, and as she locked gazes with him, she knew she was going to have him between her legs at some point in the very near future.
“Okay, what?” he asked as he stood still, barely making a move with each breath.
Not into self-delusion, Shelly always went after what she wanted—and want him she did. She raised her eyes to his, speaking loud enough for him to hear, “You’re right. I do want you.” She watched that panty-dropping smile appear on his face. “I’ve wanted you since the moment I turned around in Mason’s bar. Happy?”
Josh couldn’t believe the words that were coming out of this woman’s mouth. He didn’t understand why he was so surprised. He’d known from the get-go that she was sexy, confident, and the kind of woman to eat a man alive. But to hear her stating so bluntly that she wanted him? Well, that sent all the blood left in his head straight to his cock.
Trying to remember what she’d just said, he leaned down until they were almost nose to nose, and then moved at the last second to her ear.
To someone watching, he looked like he was just trying to talk to her over the loud music, but to the hot woman in front of him and to his out-of-control body, they both knew it was more like adding a spark to a stick of dynamite.
“I’m horny, not happy. You’re so fucking sexy that all the blood in my body is in my cock. But you already know that because you keep aiming your eyes down there to check.”
Leaning back, he looked down at her as she smiled and licked her lips again, which automatically made him think of her mouth and his cock. Together. Right now.
“That’s true, too.” Blinking big blue eyes up at him, she asked, “So, do you want to make a deal?”
“A deal?” he asked, suddenly a little confused, either from the lack of blood to his brain or the way the conversation was going.
“Yes, a deal. You know, an agreement that is forged between two individuals.”
Shaking his head slowly, he muttered, “Smart ass.”
“So, do you want to?” she pushed.
Josh looked her over, sitting there with her legs crossed and her thighs so close that he wanted to reach out and touch them.
Then, he answered the only way he knew how. “Hell, yeah. What’s your deal, Shel?”
With a smile touching her lips, she looked out to the dance floor. When she was happy they were in the clear, she replied, “This stays between us. I’m not looking for anything other than—”
“Sex?” he interrupted.
Raising a blonde brow, she dipped her head once, conceding, and quickly added, “Hot, sweaty, great sex. Which I’m assuming, you can deliver.”
Josh was completely amused and turned on by the woman. He found himself battling to keep his hands off her, and at the same time, he wanted to burst out laughing.
“Oh, and why would you assume that?”
She let her eyes travel down his chest, then to his jeans where he was sporting a major hard on, and then brought them back up to his face.
“I guess I’m not assuming. I’m hoping. Because, if not, I think I may have to just go ahead and end my life,” she sighed dramatically and looked at the dance floor. Then, she turned back to him as she continued, “Let’s put it this way. If I found out Paul wasn’t a firecracker after dark, it wouldn’t be such a surprise. If I found out you weren’t, I’d want to find a short pier and hurl myself off it. You have a body that’s made to pound a woman into her bed. So, I’m really hoping you can live up to that.”
Josh clenched his fist on the bar top and gritted his teeth as he shifted his feet where he stood, painstakingly trying not to reach down and rearrange what was pushing hard against his zipper.
“What’s the deal you’re offering, Monroe? Spell it out to me before I pick you up and haul you and your dirty mouth out of here.”
Grinning like she’d won some kind of battle, she uncrossed her legs and slipped off the stool, standing so close to him her breasts brushed against his chest. He continued to stand where he was, refusing to give in to her aggressive stance.
Raising a hand, she reached out with a finger and traced a line around one of his nipples that was pressing hard against his shirt. She looked up at him from under her dark lashes, and her hot blue eyes locked onto his.
Shelly was about to explode as she stood close enough to Josh she could smell his cologne mixed in with his own scent. She raised her eyes to his and grinned at the hot primal expression on his face. He looked like he wanted to attack her, and quite honestly, she wanted to be attacked.
“The deal is this. No one knows about us. This is sex. Hot sex, but just sex. I want a nice, sweet everyday man to settle down with. And, honestly, you scream complicated and not so sweet. So, the deal is you, me, and sex. No one knows. Not Lena and definitely not Mason.”
She watched as his scorching eyes melted away all her resistance. When he finally moved, he lifted his hand from the bar and took hers that was tracing his chest.
He brought it down from his body, almost as though he couldn’t control himself while she was touching him, and then he held his hand out to hers as if they would shake on it.
Oh no, Delicious Daniels. We’re going to seal this my way.
Smiling, she stood on tiptoes and whispered, “We’ll seal the deal tonight when we come all over each other.”
She heard him groan softly as she took a step back and smoothed her hands down her dress. She’d gotten herself so worked up that she could feel her damp panties sliding against her aroused flesh.
“So? Deal, Mr. Daniels?”
She could have sworn she felt his eyes as they tracked down her body, and then came up to rest on her face as he nodded.
“It’s a deal, Miz Monroe.”
Smirking at his sexy delivery of her name, she went to step around him to go and find Paul, but then stopped when she was beside him, shoulder to shoulder.
“My number is in Lena’s phone. I’ll let you work out how to get it,” she paused as he turned his head to look down at her. Raising a brow, she ended with, “No strings, Josh. Not one. Unless, of course, it’s to tie me up.”
He nodded, and she winked at him before she walked away.
Chapter Five
Josh watched Shelly strut away from him on those ice-pick heels. What the hell just happened?
Shit, he knew what had happened. His brain had left the building, and he had decided to forget all his convictions for the sake of havin
g her. All because the Man-Eater had arrived, and she’d taken a huge bite out of his ass.
The woman was sex personified, and she had no problems using it. In fact, she used it so well that she had made him forget his entire conversation with Mason about his own adamant refusal to touch her. She was a witch, and she had cast a spell.
He let his eyes search the crowd quickly, trying to spot Lena, so he could devise a plan to get that cell phone number. There wasn’t a chance in Hell he was missing out on that.
Josh leaned back against the bar, crossing one leg over the other, as he discreetly tried to run a hand over the front of his jeans to alleviate some of the pressure. Once he realized there was no use, he just gave up, knowing the only relief would be to—how had she put it? Oh, that’s right—come all over each other.
He was trying to remember if he’d ever had a woman talk to him quite so boldly, and he was pretty sure that the answer was a big fat no.
However, Shelly gave as good as she got.
When Josh had first decided to hell with all his plans about not touching, he’d thought he would just be blunt, get to the point, and lay it all on the line for the sexy doctor. What he hadn’t expected was for her to give it back to him—and twice as good.
The woman is trouble, and I’m going to have fun getting into it. Or should I say her?
Finally, he spotted Mason pulling a hazy-eyed Lena from the dance floor. She was stuck to his side like glue, and Josh could tell by the expression on her face that by the end of the night she would be even closer to her man.
They stopped in front of him, and Mason smiled before he asked, “What’s up with the Shelly? You piss her off?”
Josh shook his head, making sure to keep his face as neutral as possible. “Who knows? That woman’s touchy. Probably upset that I even thought about talking to her. From what I can tell, she goes for someone of a different caliber than me.”
Lena rested her flushed cheek against Mason’s side and smiled softly at him. She looked as though Mason had already taken care of her and was basking in the glow of a fantastic orgasm. Who knew? Maybe he had, Josh thought with a smirk.
“That’s not true,” she said softly. “Shelly doesn’t know what she wants. She dates all these boring stuffed-shirt guys that never leave her satisfied. Why do you think she’s still single?”
Josh shrugged, as though it was of no concern to him. When deep down he was thinking, There is no way in hell she is going to leave unsatisfied tonight.
Then, he asked over the loud music, “Hey, Lena, do you mind if I borrow your cell phone? I need to call…” Shit, who do I need to call? Hello, make someone up, moron. She doesn’t know you. “I need to call my neighbor. I forgot to let Mutley out before I left, and I don’t want a mess in the house.”
Nodding, she moved a little from Mason, and in Josh’s frustrated state, he was almost brought to his knees when she bent over and unzipped the top of her boot, pulling out a phone.
When she stood and handed it to him, he heard Mason ask, “Man, are you okay? You don’t look so good.”
You think? I’m dying over here. Dr. Barbie has me hard as a steel rod, and your woman is pulling a phone out of fuck-me boots, Josh thought.
However, instead of answering Mason, he nodded mutely as he grabbed the phone, making a mad dash for the exit.
Shelly was standing in the crowded bathroom at the sink, slicking her lips with gloss. She’d pretty much licked it all off as she’d stood there salivating over Josh.
So what? I’d given in to my urge to pounce on him.He is very pounceable. Is that even a word? Probably not, but if it was, it would be made for that man.
Just thinking about him made her thighs twitch and her tummy do a somersault. He was sex on legs, and she wanted him to walk all over her.
Looking at her reflection, she could see the subtle changes in herself that hinted at how aroused she was. Her cheeks were slightly flushed, and her eyes were dilated. But the telltale sign that no one could see was the moisture between her thighs.
Damn that man.
She hadn’t wanted to get involved with Joshua Daniels, Mason’s Best Man. Not to mention, he was also Mason and Rachel’s childhood friend. Way too complicated, but she wasn’t going to get involved. She was going to have sex. Fantastic sex that would leave her completely and utterly satisfied, and then she’d leave. She’d done it before, and if this guy was for real, she’d do it again—real soon.
Josh was standing out in the parking lot by his truck. He was scrolling through Lena’s phone, searching for the Sexy Doctor’s number. Jackpot! He found it.
Pulling out his own phone, Josh added her into his contacts under Barbie. Well, she wants it to be a secret, he thought with a smirk, dialing the number.
He waited.
One ring, two rings, and on the third, he heard a click, and loud music pulsed through his phone. Smiling slowly, he knew she’d answered it somewhere in the club.
Hmm, there’s that silky, sexy voice of hers, he thought before responding with, “Outside in the parking lot now. I’m ready to seal the deal.” Then, he ended the call. Now, let’s see what she does with that.
Looking at her phone in the dark corner she’d moved to, Shelly felt her hand shaking as she ended the call.
He wants to do this now? More to the point, am I really going to let him?
Shelly felt some movement to her side and noticed Paul had come over to stand with her. He was kind of—and by “kind of” she really meant he actually was—bopping to the music like she imagined an awkward kid would.
Shaking her head at her own stupidity for pulling him into a situation so totally foreign to him, she decided now was the time to slap herself for even contemplating reuniting.
Reaching out, she tapped his arm. He turned to face her, and she turned on her sexy smile as she leaned in to whisper against his ear.
“I’m just going to step outside for some fresh air for a few minutes.”
Paul nodded and asked, “Want me to come with you?”
Shaking her head, Shelly thought, Nope, I have a man in mind that’s going to do that.
“No, it’s fine. I’m just going to stand by the door with the bouncer.”
Paul squeezed her hand, shouting back over the music, “Okay, but make sure you do. Can’t be too careful.”
Shelly turned and walked toward the door. Oh, I’m about to be anything but careful, Paul.
Josh saw her the minute she stepped out under the floodlights. They seemed to light up her blonde hair, almost giving her a halo, but he knew this was no angel. She looked from left to right, and then spotted him leaning up against his truck in the far back row of cars. He watched her tilt her head, moving toward him.
She walked in a way that made him want to stand and watch her for hours. Sure, it was just like everyone else, one foot in front of the other, but she made it a statement. With each step, her hips swayed from side to side, and her ponytail swished behind her. Her shoulders were so straight, and her chin was tilted up, making her look like a confident sex kitten about to devour him like a hungry lioness.
He could hear the gravel crunching beneath her heels, but she never faltered. When she finally got to him, she stopped and ran her gaze over his body as he remained where he was.
He knew she’d notice the huge hard-on pressing against his jeans, and he also knew the moment when she saw it because her tongue came out, licking at her lips again.
“You do that a lot, you know?”
Her eyes came back to his as she raised questioning brow at him.
“What’s that?”
“Look at my cock and lick your lips.”
She took a step closer, and he had to uncross his legs or she would have bumped into them. Reaching over beside him, she tossed her little purse in the back of his truck, and then moved one more step closer until she was positio
ned snugly between his thighs with her amazing breasts pressed against his chest. He watched as the lips in question tipped up in a sexy smile.
“That’s because I want to lick it,” she informed him in true man-eater style, bold and to the point.
Josh clenched his teeth and his hands. As of right now, she still hadn’t given him permission to touch her, and she hadn’t touched him either.
“You don’t have a subtle bone in your body, do you, Shel?”
He watched as she looked at his mouth, and then let her eyes come back up to his.
Shelly was breathing hard as she felt his inner thighs flex around the outside of hers. His hands were resting down by his legs, and she decided it was time to touch. Raising her hand, she ran a finger over the shoulder of the smooth and supple leather jacket.
“Why be subtle? We both know what we want, and we’re both consenting adults.”
She felt him take a breath as his whole body shuddered, and then she watched as he raised a hand and let it go to her hip. The minute he placed it on her she could have sworn she felt electricity and heat sizzle all along her frustrated nerves. It had been so long since she’d had great sex, and she knew this was going to be fantastic. Hell, the guy almost has me coming from touching my hip.
“That’s true, and the last thing I remember was us coming to an agreement.”
Shelly nodded. “Well, yes, a verbal one.” Then, she leaned forward until her lips were by his ear and took a deep breath of his delicious cologne. “Now, we need to seal it,” she whispered.
She heard him groan as his fingers flexed on her hip, tugging her forward. Placing her hands on his chest, she squeezed his tight pecs. Damn, the man is built beneath that black T-shirt. She couldn’t wait to rip his shirt off and rub all over his hard naked chest.
He leaned his head down a little, and she could no longer resist flicking her tongue out to swipe at his lobe. She felt his other hand come up, pulling her in so close that she could now feel his erection pushing into the apex of her thighs. He groaned and flexed his hips.
Shelly chuckled in his ear and asked, “So, we’re going to do this out here?”