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Entice Page 7
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Page 7
“You’re right about one thing. I need to get laid. But not with Josh, okay? It’s just too complicated and messy with us all knowing each other.” She paused, thinking that if she were Pinocchio, her nose would have grown past Mason, through the kitchen wall, and back out into the hall. “I had a bad experience with a man, and guys like Josh remind me of him. So, I just try and steer clear.”
Mason reached over, putting a hand on hers. “Okay. I’ll lay off.” He paused, his killer smile and twin dimples appearing. “But, for God’s sake, go and find someone to jump. You’re turning into an old-frustrated broad.”
Lena gasped, and Shelly giggled.
“Are you telling me to get laid, Langley?”
“Yes! Go and find a willing man, which I know will be extremely easy for you, and ride him home.”
Shelly looked at Lena, who was staring at Mason with a what-the-fuck-did-you-just-say look. Then, she turned back to Shelly and shrugged.
“Okay, okay! You’ve convinced me. I’ll go and find a man to—what did you say—ride. So, I no longer act like a bitch to my two closest and dearest friends.” Pausing, she lifted the fork, shoveling the eggs into her mouth. “Damn, the things I do for you two.”
With that, the three of them burst out laughing.
Josh arrived at his brother’s house a little after 11 a.m. Parking near the side of his place, Josh got out and made his way through the back door and into the kitchen. He found his brother, Jeremy, standing at the counter putting a bag of chips into a bowl.
“Hey, Martha Stewart,” he greeted him from the doorway.
Josh’s younger brother turned and flipped him the finger. “Up yours, Josh. How you doing?”
Strolling into the kitchen, Josh grabbed a chip, crunching down onto it. He leaned up against the sink and shrugged. “Not bad. You?”
“Same,” Jeremy answered as he turned to the fridge. Opening it, he searched around, and then came back with a jar of salsa.
Jeremy was two years younger than Josh, had blonde hair that was longer than usual, and almost looked like a “surfer dude,” except for the fact that they lived in Chicago.
“So, who’s coming today?” Josh asked, reaching for another chip.
“Vince and Cole.”
Nodding, Josh picked up the two bowls and followed his brother through the house to the game room.
Vince was his Crew Manager and now friend. He’d hired him around two years ago with his tough but fair attitude, and he’d been running things in Chicago when Josh had been in L.A. Physically he was short, stocky, and as some of the other guys called him, scary as hell.
Jeremy had set up the usual poker table, and Josh put the chips and salsa on the side table where the cooler sat beside it.
“I can’t believe Cole agreed to come. Last time he was here we cleaned the floor with him.”
Josh laughed at his brother, moving to the stereo. “I know. I just told him the same exact thing today, but he has informed me that he has ‘read up on it and now knows all the rules.’”
Jeremy looked over at him, and they both started to laugh.
“God, that guy is something else. He’s such a suit and yet so flippin’ scary cool at the same time. I don’t know how he pulls it off,” Jeremy said, shaking his head.
Josh finally found what he was looking for—ahh, classic Pink Floyd—and put the vinyl on. “No one knows what makes that guy tick, and shit, I’ve known him for years. He never gives anything away either.” Josh smiled as the doorbell sounded. “I’ll go let them in.”
“Okay, I’m just gonna get the rest of the food,” Jeremy answered, walking back into the kitchen.
Two hours later and several beers in, Josh was down twenty bucks but was almost positive he was about to win fifty. Sitting across from a stoic-faced Cole, Josh was starting to think the guy was up to something.
Cole had been kicking everyone’s ass tonight. He’d walked in dressed in a three-piece suit from an earlier meeting in the office—yes, on a Saturday—acting like he’d just read up on how to play last night. Then, he’d sat down and proceeded to clean house.
The guy was playing them and playing them well, but Josh felt like he had this one. After all, he had a straight flush. There he sat, staring at his five hearts, as Cole slowly smirked at him like a cool seasoned pro.
“You know this I’m-better-than-you smile makes you look real ugly, Madison.”
Cole just smiled wider. “Does it? I thought it made me look…” He paused, cocking his dirty blonde head to the side as the other two sat back watching. “Rich?”
Josh shook his head and picked up his beer, taking a swig. “Nope, sorry, just ugly.”
Cole nodded and asked him, “So, what’s eating you? Usually, you’re a much better loser when these other guys win. Is it because it’s me kicking your sorry ass?”
Josh laughed a little and ran a hand up and through his hair, thinking about a certain blonde. “Nah. Not that I’ve lost,” he stressed. “You going to show your cards or keep talking shit?”
Cole casually put down his five cards. Sitting up and leaning across the table, Josh and the other two men stared in complete shock at Cole’s beautiful royal straight flush.
Josh shook his head, throwing his cards down on the table. “How in the hell, Madison?”
Cole leaned over and picked up the cash. “I told you. I read up on how to play.”
Jeremy chuckled in the background, and Vince let out a loud bark of laughter, too.
“You read a fucking book, and then just beat us all and took our money?” Vince questioned in disbelief.
Cole folded the cash and pulled out what appeared to be a money clip.
The guy has a money clip? Who even knew they still made those?
Clipping his money and tucking it away, Cole nodded. With that same annoying as shit grin, he told them all, “Yes, that is exactly right.”
“Not cool, man. Not cool,” Josh said, shaking his head.
“Sorry, just the way it goes.”
They all sat back, shaking their heads.
Then, Jeremy asked, “You have been in a funk today, Josh. What gives? Woman trouble?”
Is that the reason I’ve been kind of pissy and irritable today? Because I don’t know what the deal is with Shelly? Josh reached up, scratching his head. It doesn’t matter anyway. It’s supposed to be a secret. Well, it could still be a secret if they don’t know her name.
“Well, yeah, actually. I met this woman.”
All of a sudden, the guys sat up, moving slightly forward. It was like a bad scene from a movie. Tell me more, tell me more. Anyone?
Josh sighed and again found himself running his hand through his hair.
“So? What about her? Why’s it bothering you?” his brother asked.
“Well, it’s complicated.” Josh paused. Relaxing back in the chair, he grabbed his beer as Jeremy, Cole, and Vince stared at him.
“Why? What’s so difficult about the woman? And if it’s such a fucking pain in the ass, kick her to the curb.” Vince suggested.
Josh thought about that, rubbing a hand over his stomach, and then blurted out, “She’s fucking hot. I’m not kicking her to the curb. I kind of want to haul her to my bed.” And keep her there, he thought right before Jeremy jumped in.
“So, what’s the problem? She won’t let you?”
Josh laughed, took a gulp of beer, and then put the bottle down. “Oh, no, she wants to, but that’s all she wants.”
The table went quiet. Cole, Vince, and Jeremy stared at him with bewildered looks.
“Forget it,” he told them with a self-deprecating chuckle.
Jeremy’s mouth was the first to fall open. “Ahh, I don’t understand what the problem is here. Hot chick just wants sex. What’s your issue? You feeling degraded?”
Josh glared at his brother. “Shut the fuck up. Her and I? Well, we both know the same people, and she came up with this deal about sex a
nd secrets. She’s so insanely sexy, but I know she’s trouble with a huge neon T blazing. I don’t know the rules for this kind of game—” Suddenly, Josh realized how much he’d said and shut up real quick.
Cole was the first to speak. “There are rules?”
Josh nodded. “There’s one. It’s a secret. That’s the fucking rule.”
Cole blew out a breath, reaching up to scratch his head. “She’s hot, you say?”
“Fuck yeah.”
“She worth the trouble?” Vince queried with a raised brow.
Josh paused, and then shrugged. “I have no idea.”
The room fell silent before Jeremy asked, “Can you do that? You’re not real good at just walking away. Look at Melissa. Five months later-”
Josh glared at his brother. “Sure. If she can do it, so can I. After all, she doesn’t want feelings. She just wants sex.”
And that, Josh thought, is what I’ll give her.
Chapter Seven
DD: So, how does this work?
It was Monday, and Shelly was standing in line at the hospital cafeteria. She’d been staring at her phone for the last twenty minutes, trying to understand exactly what he meant.
As she stared at the contact name she’d filed him under—DD, aka Delicious Daniels—she smiled and thought about just how delicious he’d been in that parking lot. Oh yeah. Those hands, so big and talented, and that mouth, so sinful. The man is positively scrumptious.
How does what work? Shelly thought as she swiped her employee badge. I’d been pretty clear, hadn’t I? Sex. No strings. Secret. What more needed to be said?
“Dr. Monroe?”
Like a guilty schoolgirl getting caught passing notes in class, Shelly shoved her phone in her pocket and turned to see Dr. McKinney behind her.
Great, just what I needed.
“Sir,” she acknowledged, tipping her head slightly.
“How’s your day going so far?”
Shelly shuffled along the line, picking up a bottle of water and an apple. Moving down further, she looked at her boss. “Busy. People always need to breathe.”
He smiled at her lame joke before continuing on. “That would be true, Shelly.” He paused, and then asked quietly, “Hey, listen, are you ever going to say yes to an invitation from me? Or is this a hopeless case?”
Shelly glanced around them as discreetly as she could, hoping no one had heard. Then, she turned back to him and smiled.
Really, what harm could there be in going for a drink with the man? She thought as he returned her smile. Maybe he really is fun and interesting outside of work.
She was about to answer when she felt her pocket vibrate. Plus, she had Josh as an outlet for those other things. So, yes, maybe now was the time to take Roger up on his invite, considering she didn’t need him to flip her switch. It was already being flipped—in a big way.
“How about tonight?” Shelly asked, turning to see Roger’s mouth fall open a little.
Shelly smiled. “Sure. I usually go to Lena’s fiancé’s for dinner on Mondays.”
“Oh, yes, Exquisite.”
Nodding, Shelly picked up a pre-wrapped chicken salad sandwich. “Yeah, that’s the one. Would you like to come with me?” She watched as the usually calm and professional McKinney stumbled around a little.
He then nodded with a slight flush. “Yes, I’d love to.”
Shelly grinned and winked at him. “Great. So, we can go from here tonight if you like. Say seven? I’ll come to your office.”
“Okay then. Yes, that sounds wonderful.”
Turning, she waved at him as she made her way out of the cafeteria. “See you then.”
“See you,” he replied, waving back, although Shelly hadn’t caught that because she was too busy digging in her pocket for her phone.
DD: So? How does it work? Do I just tell you I’m hard, and you come running?
Sucking in a deep breath, Shelly moved to the side of the busy hospital corridor and quickly typed.
I assume you mean our deal?
Shelly hit send and started back down the hall. Not two seconds later, it buzzed, and she glanced down.
DD: Of course, Shelly. Why else would I contact you?
Well, that kind of stung, Shelly thought with a wince, but he was right. That was the deal in place. Stopping in front of the elevator bank, Shelly leaned in and pushed the up button. Taking a step back, she typed.
It can work 1 of 2 ways. You can either text me or call to request the time. If I’m available, I’ll tell you.
After she hit send and the doors pinged open, Shelly got inside, standing at the back. Geez, this all seems so impersonal, business-like almost. Why not just ask for a fee, Monroe? She thought, mentally kicking herself. Why on earth did I decide to do this?
DD: Okay. I’m hard, horny, and want YOUR lips around my cock at 2 p.m. Can you make that happen?
That is why she did this.
Shelly felt her thighs clench, and her stomach flip upside down. The damn man was nowhere in sight, and she was already getting twitchy. Shelly glanced at her watch. It was just going on 1:30 p.m., and she knew she had her schedule blocked until 3 p.m.
Hmm, all the possibilities, but if she was going to be the one down on her knees doing all of the hard work, he should have to make an effort, too. Smiling, Shelly squeezed her thighs together, trying to ease the ache that had started to throb, and typed.
If you can work out where my office is by 2 p.m., I’ll make that happen.
Then, she hit send.
The elevator came to a stop at her floor, and she got out, walking down toward her office. She was almost there when she heard her name being called. Turning, she saw Lena coming down the hall, dressed in the usual scrubs and a lab coat.
“Hey there. I’m glad I caught you. Are you coming tonight?”
Pushing aside her little phone-tag game, Shelly tried to focus. “Ah, yes, actually. I hope you don’t mind me bringing someone.”
Lena smiled immediately. “No, not at all. Who are you bringing?”
Shelly knew this was not going to go over well. “Roger McKinney,” she mumbled quickly. It was almost—almost—comical the way Lena’s mouth fell open.
“Please tell me you’re joking?”
Shelly shrugged and shook her head. “Nope. I’m not.”
Lena raised a hand to rub her forehead. “Why would you want to date McKinney?”
Shelly laughed and moved past Lena, making her way to her office. Lena pivoted on her heel and jogged to catch up.
“I’m serious, Shelly. The guy is a hard ass who is balding.” She paused, and then accused triumphantly, “You told me you didn’t want to date a balding man!”
Shelly looked at her friend and shook her head slowly. “I told you I didn’t want to go on a blind date with a balding man. I know McKinney.” Shelly paused and sighed. “Plus the man’s been asking me out for three weeks. It was the easiest thing to do. And who knows—maybe he’s fun outside of work?”
Lena stood at the doorway of Shelly’s office and asked, “Have you lost your mind? Mason and I said go and get a guy to bang, not date, least of all McKinney!” Pretending to shudder, Lena asked, “Are you going to sleep with him?”
Shelly sat down in her chair and removed her phone, looking at it and then placing it down on the desk.
Still nothing, huh? Maybe he’d changed his mind when he realized she wouldn’t be the only one making an effort.
“No. I’m bringing him to dinner just to get him off my back…and also just to see if there’s even a remote possibility he’s relationship material.”
Lena threw her hands up in the air. “You’ve gone mad,” she rolled her eyes and shook her head. “No sex is making you mad.”
“Who said I’m not having sex?”
Lena froze, and then took a step forward, placing her palms on the back of the empty chair facing her.
“You had sex? With who?”
elly arched a brow and crossed one leg over the other. “Who I have sex with is not yours or Mason’s concern, and no, I haven’t had sex, but I had a really good orgasm.”
Lena stood back up, placing her hands on her hips. “By yourself doesn’t count.”
Licking her lips slowly, Shelly grinned. “It wasn’t by myself. Now, go! Leave! I need to finish up, so I can go to dinner with you and McKinney.”
Shelly stood and walked around the desk just as the phone vibrated on top of the stack of folders. Both women turned to stare at it, but luckily, Shelly had turned the screen notifications off, so the screen was blank.
“Was that him?” Lena asked in a whisper.
Shelly finally reached her friend and started to push her out the door.
“Was that who?” Shelly asked, trying to deflect.
Lena dug her stubborn heels in. “Mr. Orgasm?”
Shelly burst out laughing and shook her head. “I have no idea.”
Geez, when did I become such a liar? When I started this ludicrous deal with Josh. That was when.
Now at Shelly’s office door, Lena turned on her. “Fine, don’t tell me. Just answer one question for me.”
Shelly put her hands on her hips. “What?”
“Was it worthy of a repeat?”
Shelly felt a smile so wicked and smug spread across her face that she almost wished it hadn’t been caused by a man whom she could never keep. “Oh yeah.”
Lena returned the smiled and then turned. “About time,” she muttered as she walked away.
Racing over to the table, Shelly grabbed the phone and unlocked it, to see a message that made her breath catch.
DD:University Hospital. 8th floor. See you at 2.
While her whole body shivered and her thighs clenched, all Shelly could think was, Two o’clock couldn’t come quick enough. Pun intended.
Josh figured he pretty much broke every single traffic law to get his car parked at the University Hospital parking lot by 1:50 p.m. He glanced at his watch as he raced through the lobby to the directory board.
He’d mulled over the decision to call Shelly all through Sunday. He’d gone back and forth on the pros and cons of having this kind of a fling.